Sunday, November 15, 2009

What the crap!?

Eugh- (insert disgusted grunting noise here). What is it about a pregnant woman that makes people forget the rules of social etiquette and make them feel free to make whatever comment about her body they want? It's unreal.

This last month of pregnancy is rough. Not because I get up like an old man or that I hear my hip pop at night trying to roll over- but because I look dang good for 37 weeks and every cashier at every register I come across feels the need to make a comment about my size. Tactlessly, nonetheless.

I hate the phrase, "You like you're ready to pop." HATE IT. I'm used to those moron comments by now. But last night, some fool in the baby section at Wal-Mart went way too far.

Fool- "Geez, are you alright."
Me- Excuse me?
Fool- When are you due?
Me- 2-3 weeks.
Fool- Wow, my daughter is due in a month and she isn't anywhere near as big as you are.
Me- Wow, people are just so polite everywhere.
Fool's Wife- See, you've offended her.
Fool- I didn't mean to offend her.
Me- (giving a nasty look)- It's not EVER ok to make a comment about someone's size.
Fool- Well, she's tiny everywhere else just like you are-----

This is the part where I just turned and walked off and didn't bother letting him finish.

So, naturally, what with hormones and my general precious feelings, I was upset. My good husband goes, "Well, he wasn't trying to be malicious.But if I were there I would have called him a dumbA-"

And I had to think about it. I'm sure these people aren't trying to be mean. BUT, I know that they know better because no one will make comments about me if my husband is there. That's because instinctively, they know better. If I have someone there to "protect me", so to speak, no one dares. They keep their mouths shut and their comments to themselves. Obviously, if you're afraid of suffering consequences for what you're about to say, maybe you shouldn't say it.

So you know what, maybe I'm tired of being nice all the time. SO to the old tactless fool in Wal-Mart: I'm more than 9 months pregnant. I'm still wearing size 2 regular people jeans. You can suck it.

Now, as a disclaimer, not everyone is awful even though I kind of want to stay hidden for the next month. A woman at church today told me she could tell I was having a boy because of how beautiful my skin is and that I just look so pretty. It was really sweet and I really needed it. And sometimes there's humor to it all. Last night my 2 year old niece was pointing at my belly and wanted to know if she could play with the ball. I only wish it were that easy. Love her!


  1. Hahaha, you are my hero, I have always wanted to speak my mind to the blundering idiots! I once had a guy congratulate me when I wasn't pregnant, this was pre-pregnancy, with flat belly and all. What gives !?

  2. I am mad for you!!! I remember walking out of Sunday School one day at church and some guy in my ward looked at me with huge eyes and said, "You look like you're about to pop!" Of course this is a man with 4 children! What the heck was he thinking?! You won't be pregnant for much longer! Hang in there!

  3. Kudos to you for giving it back to that fool! It's crazy that people think they can say whatever they want. People also think it is ok to touch your belly. How is that ever ok?

  4. Are you seriously in size 2 jeans? I am so jealous of you.

  5. That's what you get for shopping at Wal-Mart.
    And when did you become a size 2??

  6. Geez Bina, thanks a bunch. I have to shop at Wal-Mart b/c Findlay has no Target AND I got bunches smaller after I started running and lost my SVU weight. WOW I had a lot of SVU weight to lose.

  7. Jen, you're my hero! I hate it when people say that to me! Also, I HATE HATE HATE when people touch my belly when I'm pregnant! Especially if you're not my best friend or a sibling! I have a bubble so don't come in my space! :)

    Size 2? That is seriously awesome!! You've always been so tiny and to stay that small at over 9 months prego, way to go! Good luck with the baby and I can't wait to hear when he does finally come! I'm sure he'll be as ADORABLE as P!

  8. People can be so insensitive, especially to pregnant women, but you look great and you are carrying a most precious gift that God can ever give to us and that "FOOL" will never know what it is like to carry a great gift. Head up, you look great and boy do you glow!!! And who wouldnt want to be the size 2??? COULD HE SAY THAT???
