Tuesday, April 20, 2010

4 Months and Where have we been???

So we really haven't been THAT busy, but it sure feels like it. I have a bunch of posts to put up this week but I'll start with my little Bruiser being 4 months old... 2 weeks ago...

I started him out on some cereal and it definitely did not agree with him. He had a stomache ache all week long so I took him off figuring that was the problem. We'll try again in a couple weeks to see if he's ready for it then. That time I'll put a tiny bit in his bottle instead of spoon feeding him so it's a more gradual thing.

Bruiser is still such a happy little guy. Jolly almost. He weighed 13.5 lbs his last dr.s visit. He's very different from his brother the older he gets. He's very quiet and likes to talk in spurts. But when he talks he really has something to say and will squeal and yammer for a good long while. He can roll side to side but doesn't roll over quite yet, which I'm perfectly happy about. I don't get those moms who are anxious for their child to do everything early. "My baby walked at such and such months..." That's nice, really, but I'll be happy if he waits until he's after a year.

Bruiser also really likes to grab onto his feet and hold him. That's when he does a majority of his side to sideness. It's very precious. I can let him play alone for a long time or put him in jumper with toys and he has a lot of fun. He likes to be held but doesn't often demand him. I wear him an awful lot with my wrap which is good because we're close and sometimes almost bad because I forget that he's there he's so quiet and it's so comfortable.

He and Monk adore each other. Monk can't wait for Bruiser to get up every morning so he can kiss him. They like to play in the crib and Bruiser just looks up and smiles and at all the crazy things Monkey puts out. Monk is such a goof ball.

What can I say? I love these boys o mine!

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