Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Yesterday was 5 Months

5 months old still seems pretty little right? I still see him as this tiny thing. I hope I'm not getting that "Mommy's little Baby" syndrome.

This month, my little Bruiser, you have fallen in love with your feet. In fact, you can fit almost the entire first half of your foot in your mouth. You are by far the most flexible baby I've ever seen. You can roll over from your belly to your back, but once on your back you just want to chew chew chew. You also like to kick really hard and I'm impressed with how strong you are.

You have the most beautiful soothing voice my little Bruiser. I might repeat myself every month, but you still don't like to talk unless you have something to say. Then you are very loud! I love listening to you squeal and coo. You have a huge beautiful smile.

You're teething still, right now. And if you catch hold of a finger with those tiny baby hands you put in your mouth before anyone can blink an eye. Your family is so in love with you.

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