Sunday, September 13, 2009

Happy 3rd Trimester

So that is a baby in the seventh month. Wow. Seven months makes it sound like I'm pretty far along. But it's not. I still have 3 entire months to go. SIGH. I can't complain though, things are going very well.

So far I've had little to no swelling. I'm thinking my toes look fatter than normal, but that's a good thing as they were too skinny. I can comfortably wear my wedding rings. My belly button hasn't popped, but it's only a matter of time. Right now it's unrecognizable. I don't have any new stretch marks and I've gained about 20lbs from my start date, all which is where it's supposed to be. I can still bend over, just not without a fatty grunt. I actually feel less tired, but P has slept in until 8:30a the last couple of days. I have no problem walking around and all my shoes still fit. Sitting down though, I can feel pressure on my lungs and have to take big asthmatic like breaths. 90% of the time I wear maternity shirts, but maternity pants are a problem because they all slide off. Like I need that problem! I have two pairs of old jeans I can button and one pair I bought a size up that can button. The rest of my jeans I can still fit into, I just use a hair tie as a belt since they are unbuttonable. Remembering when most of them were too big...
We had our 28 week dr appt complete with our third ultrasound to check my placental location, which is no longer an issue :) It was really neat to see an ultrasound of our boy this late in the game too because he's so big and takes up a lot more room on the screen. A couple of cool things: I got to see him squish up his tiny face like someone had shined a light on him AND I saw him kick on the screen and felt it at the same time. Technology is amazing.
D got called in on business last minute, so our two visiting grandmothers went with me. His grandmother had never seen an ultrasound before and she was so cute and excited like a little kid. It was neat she could be there and the tech took a long time explaining what everything was.
My platelet count is on the low end of the normal range so we'll test that later. Our baby isn't measuring too small anymore, but he is measuring only in the 11 percentile, which is ok by me. His profile is a lot different from P's and he seem to have full lips and chubby cheeks.
I asked the tech if there is ever an issue of the baby being too big and a normal birth isn't possible and she thought that was ridiculous. Which is what I thought. I had asked P's doctor that and they didn't answer, just set an induction date. I told her I definitely didn't want to be induced again and she said that they won't induce unless I'm more than 10 days late because risk to mother and baby increases a lot more at that time. I know conception dates can be off anyway so I'm not worried about it. I like the adventure of not knowing when he'll come and trying to figure out if I'm having real labor. In my head I have a Father of the Bride II scenario going with D running to get our hospital bags and P and nearly forgetting me.
Time to make our birth plan! And here's to no swelling! (yet. hopefully at all.)


  1. Happy 3rd trimester!! Glad to hear the placenta is A-Ok now! I did the hair band thing quite a bit w/ my pants too. I know I don't want to be induced again unless absolutely necessary. I don't think Pit really works on me. lol

  2. Thinks look and sound good and wow 3 months to go, it is coming fast. I can just picture the grandmothers and the look on their face. How cute.
