Thursday, August 5, 2010


I'm so terrible sometimes at keeping up with my blog. It's not that I don't ever have anything to say, but some things I just don't want to put on the world wide web. I still have the second half of our vacation to put up. I'll get those up soon. I spent most of the week getting pictures of Bruiser from birth til now and for our family yearbook ready for scrapbooking. Prints are only .10 cents at Walgreens this week so away I go!

Last reported, Bruiser wasn't doing much of anything except getting up on his toes. I knew that this month would be a big one. Where he was bald, he now has HAIR. And gets funny bedhead. Where he could not sit up, now he does for long periods of time playing with his toys. What was once a funny push-up, looks like he's breaking dancing the snake as he CRAWLS across the floor. And he's getting fast too. While he used to eat mush, he now has WAFFLES for breakfast with his two NEW TEETH. From sweet baby coos, we now have DADADADADAs, BABABABABABAs, and MAMAMAMAMAMAs. And that was just all in one week.

I can barely keep up with my sweet boy. It's funny to set him down in the living room then turn around while I do dishes because there's a tiny baby at my ankles. He's still ever so much a Momma's boy. My favorite part about all these changes is that it's easier for him and Monkey Monk to play together. Monk kind of runs all over the place and Bruiser break dances here and there and laughs and laughs and laughs and soon they are both laughing so hard and then we are all laughing so hard.

Oh how I love my darling little boys!

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