Tuesday, September 29, 2009

30 Weeks DOWN

Just like that 30 weeks have flown by. My weekly countdown is in the single digits. YAY! I have a ton of updating to do and lots of pictures, but a little monkey took off with my camera cord somewhere...

I am doing really well. I don't have any big problems, except that my belly seems to get to places before I do. I have to re-evaluate my belly to counter ratio often and my poor baby seems to get in the way of me closing my mother in law's car door...

Anyway, I'm still wearing these:

I can still do this:

But am really feeling this:

Like everything is all squished up. Which it is. And that must be why. Especially my lungs. I am definitely feeling a lot more pressure on my lungs than I did with P.

So with 10 weeks (ish) left I have the big things done:

Nursery - Check (not our actual room. photos to come.)

Closet full of adorable baby boy clothes - Check

I still have to make decisions about diapers. I'm totally unmotivated right now to do the cloth diaper thing. Maybe after he's here and I have a schedule down and I'm not so tired.

I think the only other real thing to do is make our birth plan. It's going to be pretty simple. Basically I want to be left alone. I don't want to be hooked up to anything unless I decide to get meds. Last time a nurse gave me a shot without telling me what she was doing or askin for permission and if I had known what it was and what side effects there were, I would have declined. I was pretty ticked afterwards because I don't know who thinks it's ok to inject someone without any kind of warning. I had JUST given birth so maybe she thought I wasn't lucid enough to talk to, but behavior like that will not be tolerated so I need a way to word it that's firm but hopefully not rude. I'm willing to be rude if necessary. Any ideas?

1 comment:

  1. Wow! 30 weeks and almost there!! Yeah, things are getting pretty squished in there no doubt!! lol Let me know if you want to borrow my NB CD's. I think that is awful the nurse gave you something without permission. That's very uncalled for! I'd just make them aware of what happened before and that you don't want it happening again. Make a note that all medications need to be approved by you before being administered.
