Tuesday, September 1, 2009

County Fair!

Saturday on a whim, we decided to go to the fair. It was fun to take our son and go with our best friend. We actually were only there for about an hour, but we got a lot accomplished. We took P to look at all of the animals, which he thought was Awesome!

Then I saw the pony rides and just had to take him! Let's just say he humored me because he wasn't near as excited as I was.

The boys found time to get in some target practice.

But really, let's face it- I'm 6 and half months pregnant, so after taking my baby on his first pony ride, I was mostly excited about the food. And we tried all of our favorites! To our credit though, I shared my cheesecake on a stick with P and all four of us shared the cotton candy and elephant ear. YUMMM!


  1. Looks fun! It's so fun to see what everyone is up to through their blogs. Your family picture up top is so dang cute! Are you pregnant with your second??

  2. We tried going to the fair a little while ago but it is not as fun without kids so we got bored and left after an hour! You look great!

  3. Yay! The fair! I go for the food!! lol
