Saturday, January 30, 2010


I finally found a way to get the baby poop stains out of my baby clothes! YAY! All you do is douse this on the stain:

Then sprinkle on a little of this:

Rub together lightly and wash. Voila! Nice and bright and CLEAN! This has worked on clothes that I rinsed right away and clothes that had already dried before I could get to them. AND it has worked on clothes that I had already washed but not dried. I haven't tried on ones that have already been through the dryer since I hang dry.

Anyway, hope this is easier than info you'll find on-line. Some of those "tips" literally involved a twelve step process. I don't have the time and money for that. It would just be easier to buy new clothes!


  1. Something works! Wow! Baby poop is definitely a tough stain!

  2. I like your tips Jen, but I'd REALLY Like to see pictures of your new little pumpkin.

  3. I am going to have to try this! Both of my children are messy and i can usually spray everything but some times i miss spots and they end up going through the wash and the whole stain won't come out! I have kept all my children's clothes but I would rather not keep things that are terribly stained...
