Sunday, October 11, 2009

Holy cow I'm 8 months pregnant!

Happy 32 weeks to me and C! We had our doctor's appointment and his heart beat is super strong and super fast which probably means he's no where near ready to come since the heart usually slows down the closer they are to coming. That's good since we have 8 weeks left. My fundal height is 29 cm which seems low, but my doctor said no need to worry about anything yet. I've gained 4lbs making my grand total 21 since starting my doctor's visits.

Eight months seems like I'm so far along, but having 8 weeks left seems so far away. I still feel really good and really healthy although I'm starting to feel big. That could be because I'm tired since P has gotten up really early the last couple of days.

C is not much of a kicker at all. P used to kick at the doctors all the time and he'd wake both my husband and myself up at nights with all his movement. C just rolls and rolls. Last night we were watching 30 Rock (love that show) and I got a weird bump off to the side of my stomach. I felt it and figured it must be a knee. Then C must have gotten uncomfortable because I could see his knee go up and roll all the way to the other side. Now that I'm over that whole Aliens vs Predators scene, I love watching him move around. I guess pregnancy isn't that bad.


  1. I can't believe your that pregnant already. lol Time just flies. I think once you start measuring 4 wks behind they'll get an US, so you're still good. (Of course that's diff from dr to dr too.) Did you measure behind w/ P too?

  2. I am glad things seem to be going well. I was so done being pregnant. But I didn't know what tired was then! I hope things continue to go well.
