Monday, December 28, 2009

Babies and Holidays

So my laptop somehow got a virus on it and so we're out of commission right now. It's a shame because I can't download any pictures and my husband just got me an awesome new camera for Christmas.

The holidays were joyful. Our family and friends were so generous with us and I can't thank them all enough. I feel bad because we didn't do very much for them this year since we just bought a house and had a baby. We usually do something for a family in need and go easy on our family. This year we sponsored coats for a family through the Lion's Club D is a member of. But Christmas was a lot of fun because P totally gets the whole presents thing now. He had so much fun unwrapping them and going "Cool, Awesome!" And he had a funny laugh that sounds a lot like the way he makes a horse sound. It was precious. Baby C of course was totally excited too. You just couldn't tell what with his snoring and all.

P has been a perfect big brother and covers C with kisses and hugs. Sometimes too much, but at least we haven't had any jealousy issues. P likes to get bottles and hold C while he plays. (Meaning mommy holds C on P's lap while P plays.) P also likes to cover C with blankets. He's wonderful.

After three different blood tests, we finally have confirmed that C does have Hemophilia B or Christmas Disease. I'm just relieved that we're done with poking my newborn with needles. Hemophilia is where the blood is low or missing a protein called factor that helps it clot. C is low on Factor 9. If he gets hurt he'll need to get an injection of factor 9 to help him stop bleeding.

We have an education class on Jan 7 up at the Toledo Hemophilia Center. They'll help us recognize bleeds and let us know what to do and help us work with our hospital so there's always factor available if C should need it. We're also working with C's pediatrician so she can be a liaison for us with the local hospital.

This will be an interesting journey and I'm wondering if there are any other moms out there in the blogging world that have babies with Hemophilia. The plus side of all this is that since it's a genetic thing, I have my parents to ask questions to since they went through it all with my brother.

Other than that, C is getting really big. His ped says he has big hands and was impressed with his weight gain. C isn't much for regular feedings, but I don't time them or anything. He's eating and gaining weight and is healthy. He does have terrible gas and keeps me awake with his grunting.

This has been a wonderful year. New house, new car and our new little Baby C. We've truly been given everything and we are so, so grateful.


  1. Aww things sound like they are going wonderfully! I'm very happy for the four of you!

  2. Those viruses must be going around b/c we got some on our home computer.

    My cousin has hemophilia and so do her 3 boys but to a lesser degree. Will C have to wear a medical bracelet? It sounds like you'll have a lot of support!

  3. My wife and I have a child with Hemophilia. Parents are sometimes the best resource since the Hemophilia Treatment Centers don't deal with them 24/7/365. Please let us know if you have any questions. We'll give you our opinion....
