Saturday, December 5, 2009

Oh Boys

Well first of all, welcome to this great world C.M. Brooks! He is truly a miracle. And so is me getting some pictures up this quickly because I also just got Halloween, etc off my camera too.

Here's our details:
I knew something was up on Wednesday and thought, "Today is the day we go in." So after dinner we decorated our tree and I felt a couple of things, called the good doc who said to come on in to check us out!

So we did and I was pretty sure we were staying. I came in and was 5cm dilated and two hours later when Dr. S came in to check me I was 8cm dilated. Wow that was fast! So D and I mostly just chilled and talked and enjoyed the hospital's semi-cable. I was having contractions that started out pretty irregular and didn't hurt at all. I was stuck on 8cm for a good 3 hours and the contractions started to get pretty powerful in that they no longer are just in one place, but spread over the whole belly. So I considered sucking it up and waiting, but I remembered how my body didn't want to go from 9-10cm last time so I thought, "Screw it! This hurts and it doesn't have to so drug me up Dr. Man!"

The drug doc came and needed a little convincing to give me an epidural. My platelets were down all the way to 103 and lower than 100 and they won't do it. Plus I was so far dilated. Anyway, he did. And I bet every woman loves him. I could feel a little spot where my contractions were still happening and he felt bad and asked if I wanted him to up my meds, but I said no since I like feeling what's going on. I just wanted to take the edge off. He def did not get that and said, "You're certainly one of a kind. I know I'd want more drugs."

So it was good that I did because I was able to relax and C's head shot down a couple of stations and I went to a 9, but still could not get to a 10. My last baby the doc made me push past that, which caused pushing to be 3.5hrs but Dr. S said, "I know you don't want Pitocin, but it could help get to that last cm." And I agreed, b/c really I just didn't want to be started on Pit. I figured if I needed it to start, then he wasn't ready yet. Anyway, a little Pit and we were at an easy 10 and I could really feel the contractions which was fantastic b/c it didn't neccessarily hurt. The good doc came in and less than 15min later we very easily pushed out our little boy! He was born at 6:46am Dec 3 and weighed in at 7lbs 5oz and is 20inches.
The nurses were wonderful and it was the easiest most relaxing experience and I felt SO good!

He and P look an awful lot alike, thank goodness since P is beautiful. C's hair seems to be lighter and is very fuzzy. It's almost crimped and he has really golden fuzzy shoulders. His eyes look like they'll be the same color as P's too. Two beautiful boys! We shot out of the hospital pretty fast, but C didn't lose any weight and I felt really good and was walking around. It feels good to be home and even more wonderful to be with P again. I missed him to tears. I'm happy to not be pregnant and to be able to hug my husband without two feet between us.


  1. That is so exciting! Glad everything went well! He is adorable! Good luck with the adjustment!

  2. Another addition to an already beautiful family! Congrats to all of you and let the fun begin.

  3. He is absolutely Beautiful Jen. We are so happy for ya'll (and he has the same birthday as Nick and my Nephew Oliver)! How are you feeling?

  4. Aw, so happy that C is now here with his family! He's a cutie!! Wow, you progressed pretty quickly, you know, until you hit 8. ;)

  5. Wow I liked reading that! I am so glad it all went smoothly. Now you have the cutest little boys :) There is something so cute about brothers enjoy!
