Today was our Education Class for C's Hemophilia. It was about an hour and a half away from where we live and we made arrangements for P to spend the night with Grandma so we wouldn't have to get up so early. Well, yesterday, the Hemophilia Center called so make sure we were still coming in around 11ish for the class and see the doctor about 1ish to 1:30ish. First, that really irritated me, because I made specific appointments for 10:30am and 12:30pm. I was still feeling less than impressed because of how we drove all the way up there last time for something we could have done closer to home. But D arranged to have our class at 11:30a and to see the doctor right after so there wouldn't be any time in between. That was fine. A little more sleep, a little less hurry.
So we get there right on time expecting some sort of "education". I was thinking maybe a video or something. We were there an hour. The first part was them giving me papers to sign for me to be treated if I need it, but I just rolled my eyes and gave it back to them because
I don't have Hemophilia. Then they joustled more papers around making sure they had everything. Then C had a major, biggest of his whole little life blow-out. That took 20 minutes to take care of. Then another 10 minutes of "Oh my goodness he's so alert what an adorable little boy." Then I thought it would be our "education" part. Basically the nurse shoved some books at us and let us know that she was there for us if we needed anything and had a 5 minute explanation of Hemophilia and how it works. The doctor called and asked if she
had to meet with us. The nurse said, "Well, yes, they really want to meet you." (Which we never said.) So then the Doctor said she could see us at 2. Well, it had started snowing and I wasn't waiting around another hour and a half to maybe see a doctor who didn't want to see us in the first place. So we left.
And I was SO irritated. When the Hemophilia Center called to make an appointment for the education class I was very specific and said that I didn't want to waste my time again and that if it was something I could do at home I would. They were so adamant about how important it was that we go there and it was so necessary. So of course I made the appointment (that they didn't keep right) and convinced my husband it wouldn't be another waste of our time (which it was) so he'd take off work and go with us.
I didn't learn anything that I hadn't already learned from my first google search. They could have mailed those books to me. Really, I'm just mad because I drove for 3 and a half hours today for nothing. NOTHING. Then they said the doctor will want to see C every 3 months just look him over. No way. Don't get me wrong, the people there are sweet, likeable, but the operation in and of itself was unprofessional and I don't like to drive so much for something unnecessary.
We have been less than impressed with the Hemophilia Center from the first time they called. They're really weird sometimes. Like the nurse asked if C had bled a lot when he got his shots in the hospital and I said "no". And she goes, "Oh, well that worries me even more" so I said, "But isn't that a good thing?" and she just responded with an, "well, yeah..." Anyway, we're going to check out the Hemophilia centers in Columbus because they're only an extra 20 minutes away. Has anyone dealt with them before? I want the best care for my baby. I want to be able to know how to take care of him. I'm going to have to learn how to give him shots and how to recognize a bleed, etc etc and so far, these people have just played with us. They didn't go over any of that, which I figured would be the "education". So if anyone knows of somewhere else in Ohio we can go to I'll be much relieved. Ridiculous.