My name is Monkey. I am two years old. The first thing I do when I wake up is ask for "bweakfast" and a movie. I know how to put in movies by myself. Scooby Doo has been my favorite lately and I like to randomly yell "Scooby DOOOO".
I help my mom around the house by putting away the silverware from the dishwasher and holding the dust pan. Mommy will give me clothes from the washer and I put them in the dryer. I am very good at cleaning up after myself.
I try really hard to remember not to wipe my nose on my sleeve. I also know how to cough into my elbow, but I usually forget until I'm done- so I put it up there anyway just in case.
I normally like to eat hot dogs or chicken nuggets. I will trade any of my favorite toys for a gummy snack.
I know all of my animals and sounds because Mommy and Daddy go over them with me when we read. I love to read and have a lot of books. My favorite toys are my animals. But I usually would rather watch a movie unless someone will play with me. My favorite is playing swords with Daddy and farm or jungle with Mommy. I also like to sing "Jingle Bells" and "Twinkle Star" songs. And then I dance. I'm a very good dancer.
I have a new "bruwda". I give him lots of hugs and kisses. Mommy says I give him too much love. I help mommy with my brother by giving him blankets and getting his bottle. I also like to put toys in his crib with him so he can play too. Brother doesn't know how to play so I will grab his hands and push him in his swings. I also share my food and put my animal crackers in his hands so he can eat too.
Right now Mommy is trying to potty train me. I like it because whenever I want out of my seat or am bored, I will yell, "Potty Twain". Then when Mommy takes me to the potty I tell her I'm "hungy" instead. That way people think she doesn't take me potty or feed me. I'm very funny.
I like mischief and have to be put into time-out sometimes. I am very good at saying "sowree". I often put myself in time-out. I'm usually a very good listener. I like to cuddle Mommy and hold her hands. I even sneak into her bed so I can hold hands in the middle of the night. Lately, I refer to myself in the third person.
My mommy and daddy are very proud of me and love me so much.
What a sweet little boy! They sure know how to be mischievous though!