Thursday, November 4, 2010

11 months!

And I'm only 1 day late of getting this up! Our little Bruiser is 11 months old. He just seems so tiny. He's so my baby and I have a hard time imagining him getting bigger. He got his top two teeth in this month. He can do so much.

Right now Bruiser can hold on to the edge of something and walk. I don't see him do it very often, but don't be fooled. Once I walked in on him and he's FAST. Blew me away for a second because I had never seen him do it before. He can also clap and play peek-a-boo which is probably the cutest thing I've ever seen. Bruiser is also a master of sound effects. I can't even begin to describe, or mimic, the sounds he makes with his mouth. It's so funny. I'll take a video and post.

Bruiser loves his baths but has taken to standing up in them which is a big danger even though I'm sitting right next to him. He's taken a few spills and gets really angry. A funny thing about my little man is that he gets MAD. Full on fists clenched- face red- vein bursting mad and a grunt that goes back to cave man days. Can you believe this coming from my peaceful sweet boy?

He also really loves his toys more and more and can easily keep himself entertained for hours. Sometimes I just take them both upstairs and read my book while they play. His favorite though is the mouse and keyboard that's hooked up to our TV. I have to hide them now or he changes our movies. Silly man.

By the way, he can climb stairs. Scary for a bruiser baby's mom, right? He also has the greatest big brother in the world. When Bruiser starts up the stairs and I don't see, Monk calls for me and sits right in front of him so he can't go up farther. I never taught him to do that! Monk also makes sure to always shut the toilet lid so Bruiser doesn't try to touch the toilet. What amazing little boys I have.

I'm always stopped by people who want to tell me how beautiful my little guy is and "Oh what eyelashes!" "Look at those eyes!" and all the adults who watch him say he is the cuddliest baby they've ever seen. And he is so completely precious.

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