Friday, January 28, 2011

Pet Peeves

So I haven't updated in a while. I seem to have lost my camera cord and I have lots of fun pictures that are stuck. One of these days I'll get around to ordering one off of ebay.

I was filling out one of those silly little questionnaires on Facebook and it asked what my pet peeves are and I simply wrote, "many". Since then, I have decided that I like the word 'peeve' and I have been trying to think of specifics. I have thought of a few, so, (ahem), here it goes:

1. Girls who wear super tiny shorts, a big hoody and uggs. Then complain that they are cold. Are you cold or aren't you? And if you're not smart enough to wear pants in winter with snow on the ground, I don't want to hear it.

2. Fanatics. People who are so obsessed and absorbed by some of their own lifestyle choices that they are no longer a credible source of information. I'm a young mom, so most this goes out to all the woman who only use cloth diapers, breastfeed for two years and thinks any food that isn't organic will kill you. Just because you breastfed longer than I did, DEFINITELY does not make your children smarter than mine. I know this, because I've seen your children. Also, I do not want to see your naked boob in public. I know that it is natural. So is pooping. But I don't want to see you do that either.

Now don't get me wrong. I believe "breast is best" and I feed my babies healthy food, etc. But some people become sycophants. They come off as though any mom who doesn't mother their way is a bad mom. That is where we have a problem. And I don't care if you breastfeed in public. But at least use a blanket.

3. If you don't agree with me you're attacking me. UGH! GEEZ! That is so ridiculous. I'm allowed to disagree. One example is that my husband and I don't drink alcohol for religious reasons. That does not mean that just because you drink I think you're a bad person and I'm better than you. It's not about you at all. It's about ME trying to do what I think is best for ME. Also, if it comes up in conversation that I don't drink, it doesn't mean I'm trying to convert you or get you to have a life style change. If you are in a disagreement, playing the martyr isn't going "win". Just accept people have a difference of opinions and it's OK

4. Wet socks and when the back of my pants get drenched when it's raining. It's uncomfortable.

5. Not using spellchecker. I'm talking resumes and professional settings. Grr... Ok, maybe I mean e-mails and Facebook a little bit. AT LEAST re-read what you write because there are times when I have no clue what your status update is. No matter HOW many times I read it. I mostly mean resumes. Whenever I was hiring, I threw out the resumes of people who didn't take the time make it legible. (On a funny side note, when I was hiring on-site night managers, I got a resume from a woman who spent more time telling me what kind of apartment she wanted than she did her qualifications. What's that sound? My shredder.)

Wow, that was really hard. I don't get mad too easily and I tend to find most stupid things people do funny. Like the other day when someone said, "I hate negative people." And spent 5 minutes elaborating. I hope you find the irony in that too and it makes you laugh. Or roll your eyes. Life is better when you just roll with the punches but the above five things I mentioned are the ones that get to me.


  1. LOL I clothe diaper, want to breastfeed as long as I can and eat organic food. love you jen!

  2. LOVED this Jen! I have to agree with EACH one! Way to go!

  3. I have some of the same pet peeves. :)

  4. Ok I LOVED your post! Lol. I also love those cute little bums for your main picture :) I need to get more creative and thought provoking with my blog!
