Monday, April 27, 2009

#2 Coming in December!

Woohoo! So it's baby time for us again. We were originally planning for next year (my sister-in-law planned hers so she was pregnant in August and baby was born in March and I personally thought it was brilliant). BUT, I love it when things you want come earlier than expected.

We've known for over a month but just let the cat out of the bag since I'm showing already.

We're due the first week of December right around my birthday. Somewhere between the 5th and the 7th depending on who you ask. It's great timing b/c we should already be in our house for a couple of months and I can have the room all ready.

I haven't had any morning sickness but have been way more nauseous than I was with Piercen. I also have to pee everytime I stand up and I had my first weird craving ever (pb icecream with chocolate syrup and strawberries). It was divine by the way.

So some things are weird when you happily find out you're pregnant and you weren't trying. While we were waiting for the test I had these thoughts:

1. Holy crap, what if it's a negative. I'll be so disappointed.

2. Holy crap, I'll be disappointed!?

3. Dang, I just lost my baby weight!

4. I wonder if it will be a girl so I can finally buy frilly dresses.

5. Three minutes isn't very long. Or is it?
Tomorrow is our first ultrasound so we're excited to already get a move on with things. It seemed like it all took much longer with P.


  1. Congrats Jeni and Dustin! Holy Crap! You are going to have 2 kids before me! We are waiting a bit longer before we have our last one! Oh I am so excited for you guys! Piercen will be a great big brother!

  2. Congratulations! That's very exciting news!!

  3. YAY! Congratulations! So excited for you guys!

  4. Congratulations! How exciting!
    I'm 3 weeks behind you, btw. Due around Christmas. Shhhh.
    I'd still be there for your birth if you let me ;)

    Your aspiring doula friend.

  5. Yay! Thats awesome for you guys! I hope you get a girl cause the dresses are really fun to shop for, either way it will be fun having two huh? I wonder if you might have twins, does that run in your family at all! It's always a thought I have when couples find out they are expecting! Congratulations!

  6. Congrats! Having two kids is so much fun, hope the morning sickness keeps staying away.

  7. That is so exciting! Congratulations on everything! It sounds like life is going so well! Good luck on everything!!
