Monday, April 13, 2009


So I've had a few people ask me how we liked the house we went to look at Friday. Well, we really loved it. It's not in the best location however. I don't mean that our town has slums or anything, haha, but there is a trailer on each side of the property and down the road a bit there's the backside of a trailer park. Now the plus side to that is that they're old people trailers and not white trash trailers so everything is well kept and quiet. Plus there's a lot of land on each side and your neighbors aren't on top of you.
The PROS of the house is that in 1997 the house had been vacated for 6 years when they bought it. And the electricity and sub-pump had been turned off and there were crazy mold issues from the standing water. So they gutted the entire house, inside and out, with brand new beautifulness. There are lots of personal touches that I like too like the black board paint surrounding the pantry door and the textured walls in the bathroom. The bedrooms upstairs are enourmous and there's space to add a bathroom with the plumbing all done. We'd just have to buy a tub and toilet basically. There's also a really nice basement where, if we stayed a while, we could put in two more bedroom and a bathroom should our family increase that much.
So it's all new, cheap and there's plenty of easy ways to grow into it. And we're behind the park. We have to wait to put in our offer because that's when his contract with the realtors is over with. So we're going to look at all the houses we can until May 3, but that's most likely the one we'll go with. Not including any unforeseen circumstances of course!


  1. The house sounds great. That's not too bad about the trailers since they are well-kept. Older neighbors can be good. We have older neighbors and we get along w/ them great and are the best.

  2. Yes I did make those easter was fun but it took forever! It was my first time using fondant and it actually was pretty easy! I can't believe Piercen is 1 1/2 almost! Gosh time flies! Love you!

  3. That house sounds great to me! I want some black board paint in my house!
