Thursday, November 12, 2009

Caution: Mommy content Ahead

Yesterday was our 37 week appointment although I'm not officially 37 weeks until Sunday. It was fantastic! (Other than waiting an hour+ b/c one of the doctors got caught up in surgery.)


We are 2cm dilated (twice as much as we ever were with P), 60% effaced, very soft and the baby is stationed at a -1, so the doctor could feel his head.

Yay! I'm so excited! Roughly, that means that C could be here anytime from next week to next month. BUT, when he does decide to come, he'll just "pop right out" were the docs terms.

It made me think of that episode of the old Ellen Show where this girl told Ellen she had "birthing hips so a baby would just shoot out of her" and Ellen said, "Well, I better watch out so I don't poke someone's eye out."

We also gave the doc our birthplan:


1. DO NOT give me any injections, shots, medicines, etc; without my express permission.
2. I DO NOT want Pitocin or any other medication to speed the labor along. A Heparin Lock is ok, but I don’t want an IV unless I become dehydrated. I would like Cole’s birth to be as natural and pharmaceutically unenhanced as possible.
3. Please help others respect my privacy. During vaginal exams and pushing, refrain from allowing others into the room until I am finished.
4. You have our permission to give our family any updates. Family is to be in the waiting room during pushing.

1. DO NOT give me any injections, shots, medicines, etc; without my express permission. (While this may seem redundant, there actually was a nurse last time who gave me a medication I would have refused and she did so without talking to me or asking permission or even letting me know what she was doing. We will respect your job. Please respect us.)
2. After Baby is born, we will want to get cleaned up as soon as possible so our family can visit and we can rest.
3. If we are resting, do not wake us up to ask about or perform any checks or procedures or to fill out paperwork. Please wait until we are awake.
4. Daddy wants to assist as much as possible in the birth, cutting the cord, bringing the baby out, etc.

AfterBirth- Baby

1. I want to hold baby as soon as possible.
2. Baby may have Hemophilia and will need to be tested before circumcision.
3. Baby's pediatricians are Dr. Beck and/or Dr. Savage.
4. We brought our own clothes for Baby to wear (identical to yours for convenience) because last time the hospital clothes gave our son a bad rash.
5. DO NOT give our son any injections, shots, medicines, etc; without consulting either one of us. This may be frustrating as things happen fast after the birth, but we want to know what is happening with him at all times. All of his exams are to be done in our presence.
6. Baby is to stay in our room and not the nursery.
I plan on breastfeeding/pumping for my son.

So the Doc loved it and said we were well prepared and that I wasn't rude at all, which was my biggest concern, although I plan on attaching candy to the birth plan we'll pass out to the nurses. I love Dr. Schutz. He apologized about having to do a Cervical Exam when I was expecting to see Dr. Perkins (who's female). So I go, "Well, I do prefer her small lady hands." Then he told me he only wears a 6.5 glove and has the smallest hands of everyone. He's really funny. He also compared having a baby the second time around to blowing up a balloon after it had already been blown up. Good comparison. Makes lots of sense.

Anyway, all of our bags are packed and ready to be put in the trunk when D gets home. The carseat is washed and ready and everything else is in place. If my water were to break right now I'd only be worried about the dishes in the sink- which I need to get to by the way. Of course, C will probably be late, and that's ok too, I'm just so happy that we're progressing!


  1. Yeah another baby soon, congrats and good luck at the ame time, hope all goes well for everyone.

  2. Good Luck!!! I'm so excited for you. You are really at the count down now. I'm so impressed that you are doing it natural-you go girl! Can't wait to hear how everything goes:)

  3. I think it is def good to have a birth plan and not everyone makes one. Yeah, those cervical exams are no fun!! Good thing he had small hands. ;)
