Monday, May 4, 2009

I blame my ranting on being knocked up

Not that I really have too much to complain about. Yesterday my MIL took my SIL and me down to the mall for pedicures and fun. It was awesome! I have pretty purple toes. We also passed by one of those Dead Sea Minerals shiny nail guys. Yes, if you have been to a big mall you've seen them asking if your nails are real. Anyway, my sweet mother in law treated us again, but she got a great deal! I had so much fun with those two!
Today was back to the grind. Don't get me wrong, I have a pretty great "grind". P woke up too early but I remind myself as I'm dragging my butt out of bed that I love cuddle time. Baby came a bit later and I had a rough morning. P is very sweet but is starting the "terrible two's" phase. He's testing his boundaries BIG TIME. He poked baby in the eye and I was so frustrated and so tired of telling him "no" that I smacked his hand and grabbed it. And of course I've never actually hit my child before so I just started sobbing. And I started crying like a mad woman later when he bit me. Yes, my child bit me. I yelled too loud and felt guilty but still put that baby in time out. And called D who was at work and felt really bad he couldn't come home to me.
Then baby, who is normally pretty even-tempered, got really tired and decided to scream himself to sleep. He had just been fed and burped and changed so I knew he was fine, and he'll often cry a little while he tries to sleep. But it was too much for me so I put him in the swing and shut the door. He was out two minutes later, but AUGH!
Now that I'm winding down from my day and my sweet husband is home (which instantly makes me feel better), I'm amazed at how different this pregnancy is. I'm usually pretty calm and laid back and it's so weird to be all cry-y and sensitive. It makes me feel really frail which is not me at all. So INSIDE ME knows what's up. OUTSIDE ME has minor freak outs. I just have to keep reminding BOTH ME's that I'm an awesomely good momma and this baby has my hormones way out of whack.
Let's all give a sympathy "aww" for my good husband.
Oh, and anyone asking about my discipline methods? I never yell. I never hit. I warn him and say "NO" strongly then put him in time-out and keep him there if need be. That's why smacking his hand like I did threw me off. WHOA what a ride. PS P looked at me more like I was playing a game rather than disciplining him. Time Out works waaaaay better.


  1. OMG---Congratulations!!!!! That is so great another to baby to love and hold.
    Linda Putnam

  2. I've got a thing from that dead sea mineral nail place. They tried to sell me some more but I told them no. They get pushy for sure! Oh, your hormones! And you've got a long ride ahead of you! Good luck!
