Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I've hit the double digits!

Yay! So we're 10 weeks into this baby-ness. I'm no longer crazy (phew!) and I'm not as nauseous as I was. I really just have brief moments so I'll either eat or go to sleep and all is well. Mystery Brooks is around the size of your shift key, so every time you capitalize you can think about her (or him).
I'm fast growing. I don't really enjoy that because I feel like I had just lost my Baby P weight even though he's 18 months old. I still look like I'm growing through that "is-she-chunky-or-is-she-prego" stage. Another month or so and I think I can pull off 100% pregnant.
There isn't a whole lot to do at this stage of the game. I can't buy anything because we don't know what gender Mystery Brooks is and I'm not pregant enough to buy myself clothes.
Anyway, we're having our potential home appraised tomorrow. We have not put in our application with the bank yet so we'll have a fair appraisal. Although, the person appraising it is the same person who works with the bank, so they won't be able to go back after we put in our application and say it's worth less. Very sly Brooks family...
Oh, and the man who took our pre-approval application at the bank called us to say that interest rates have really gone done so when we do decide to put in our official app, we'll get the lower rate. Which means we can get more money for lower payments to help fix things up. Really, all that needs done is a new tub downstairs. Plus we want to put in a bathroom upstairs and repaint. Not bad for a new house!
Little man is learning a word a minute and out of no where remembered who Elmo is. Except it comes out Melmo. And I love it. This does not mean, however, that I want Elmo clothes, hats, bedding and pictures in his room. I just love hearing his little voice.
PS I fixed my link from yesterday. I don't know what I did, as usual. But please check out my friends site and if you can donate $5 towards their adoption you could win an iPod.


  1. You know, I had to look at my shift key to see how big your baby was. lol That chunky stage is annoying b/c you don't really look pregnant! Bleh!

  2. Don't you hate that being pregnant for the 2nd time makes you get big a whole lot faster than the first time! Ugh! I'm excited for you guys to get your house, that is so exciting! And, that is so cute Piercen is talking so well! It doesnt end from here on out, it just gets better and funnier!

  3. You girls amaze me (you and Holly) I still want to think of you as little girls in school. I know, it's a mom thing. You just wait.. I am so happy for you and hope things work out for the house and hope you are feeling ok. Take care.

  4. Yay, I'm glad you are over the nausea. Congrats about the little one on the way. Having two kids will be a fun adventure for sure.

  5. I'm so excited for you being pregnant with #2!!! I hate the not quite looking pregnant stage. I hit it fast the second time around! Glad you are feeling better, I don't kick the nausea until 20 weeks. Can't wait to find out if it is a boy or a girl!

  6. Jen-- just wanted to ay that Audrey (Katrina's baby) is saying Melmo too and Trina didnt even know she knew who Elmo was. It is cute to hear her say.
